August 14th, 2014 | by thezooooo
For hundreds of years, scientists have been poaching design ideas from structures in nature. Now, biologists and engineers at UC Berkeley are working together to design a broad range of …
July 7th, 2014 | by thezooooo
Of die paarse koe of rode sok. Die zijn namelijk nodig in je assortiment om je positionering en je mentaliteit te duiden. Een retailgezegde: je hebt rode sokken nodig om …
July 7th, 2014 | by thezooooo
Of die paarse koe of rode sok. Zeker niet in een workshop met 12 mensen en gele stickertjes, hoe leuk ook de lokatie. Die dagen zijn voor draagvlak, voor doorontwikkeling en …
May 12th, 2014 | by thezooooo
Pixar made this short movie as a respons to the financial crisis and how the banks put their clients first. Not. They came up with all kinds of difficult products, …
May 12th, 2014 | by thezooooo
When you choose to live your life from creativity, you enter the arena. And you will meet your critics. How do you handle them? Who do you listen to and …
January 27th, 2014 | by thezooooo
The average charity donor is unlikely to get a thank-you note that is broadcast to hundreds of people within seconds. But that’s what happened to people giving money to the …
October 17th, 2013 | by thezooooo
The tipping point in the campaign of Obama was a powerful speech. Before that Hillary Clinton was on the winning hand, Obama struggled in the campaign. And then this speech. …
October 14th, 2013 | by thezooooo
This item will be translated on a later date. Jugaad is het Hindi woord voor ingenieuze en slim geïmproviseerde oplossing. De tijd van top-downstrategie en dure R&D-projecten is voorbij. Jugaad …
October 5th, 2013 | by thezooooo
We will translate the text on a later date, but you can see the movie already! In de drukte van je bestaan word je gevraagd om OOK nog eens met …
September 29th, 2013 | by thezooooo
As a leader you need a few stories ready to tell. So start collecting, on this website you already can find a few! People love stories and you can engage …