Published on September 7th, 2014 | by thezooooo
Help my boss is a monkey…
If you want to transform effectively, it helps to look in the mirror from time to time. Of get someone to help you look at yourself. How do we communicate in the non-verbal way? How to we move through our office? How to we decide on our monkeymountain? How is our herd doing? Are we grooming each other like monkeys do? How nice would it be to look at the monkey-world and use that for a mirror? After all: we have for 98% the same DNA. One day at the MonkeyZoo and you have got a lot of subjects to address. You have a fun day AND get to know everything about your team, your culture and maybe even address some elephants who have been standing in the room for a while…
Together with behaverioul scientist Patrick van Veen and his team of Apemanagment we have found a great way to start our MonkeyDo-training, but you can book it also as a separate day for the team. It is an memorable experience and exactly what we mean if we say: growing in a playful way.
This is Patrick, besides his research also an inspiring speaker and author. And of course a great ‘aper’ as we call ‘passing-over, teaching’ at The Zooooo
You can even book the team of Apemanagment to do research at your office. They will observe how the ‘monkey-group’ is acting during a normal day at the office. Complety painfree 😉 and after their research you will get a clear presentation about your culture. Is your system like the Chimpansees or are you more like OrangOetans? What can you learn from that?
We put a lot of time in talking and working on concept and strategy, but getting the right team together and everybody on the same page is much more important. Just as implementation and the operational excellence we alway really want, but not really like to do.
Want to know more? Just send us an email!