Author Archives: thezooooo

Interview met Fine, CEO/founder “Help”

May 12th, 2013 | by thezooooo

Became enthusiastic of the brilliant idea of Help, than watch here an interview with the founder. He explains more about the background  and tells honestly about the birth of some …

How to make sure that people take the stairs

April 30th, 2013 | by thezooooo

The Fun Theory is an intitavive of Volkswagen. When you visit the website of The Fun Theory you will find other examples. This is a good example of how gamification …

Tips and tricks to train your entrepreneurial muscle.

April 28th, 2013 | by thezooooo

“Most people ignore opportunities because they see only danger. Entrepreneurs ignore danger because they see only opportunities.” – Simon Sinek. This blog is a column from Het Financieel Dagblad and …

De koningin is de SHEO van het bijenvolk.

April 25th, 2013 | by thezooooo

Als je creatief wilt blijven, helpt het om regelmatig in een andere wereld te stappen. De natuur is zo’n wereld. Zo ben ik altijd reuze nieuwsgierigheid geweest naar de wereld …

Design ideas from nature

April 24th, 2013 | by thezooooo

We sometimes forget how great nature is. And that nature almost gives all the answers. A great inspiration. When you add a biologist to your team, you will find great …

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